Unsure if your home is having insulation issues? Can’t tell if you need your insulation replaced? Here are ways to know if your home insulation needs to be replaced:

  1. The temperature in your house is uneven (changes often).
  2. You have a hard time getting your house to the “right” temperature and then keeping it there
  3. You home is always either too hot or too cold.
  4. Your whole house is drafty.
  5. Certain rooms in the house have a draft (often a sign that your crawlspace insulation needs to be replaced).
  6. Your energy bill is too high.
  7. Someone in your household is suffering from frequent allergies or illness. (Aging, damaged, or improper insulation can be a breeding ground for mold, allergens, and bacteria).
  8. You are dealing with frequent leaks, condensation, or other moisture issues.
  9. You are having a problem with rats, mice, raccoons, squirrels, insects, or other pests or rodents.
  10. The insulation itself appears to be wet, thin, shifting, breaking down, or falling.